Our Guiding Values (Who we really are).
1. We will meet people where they are and bring them to where He is. Evangelism is the heartbeat of Mission 316 and we will remain driven in our desire to see changed lives. We take joy in meeting people from all walks of life. No perfect people allowed at M316!
2. We will remember that worship is an act of the heart and a moment by moment experience. We pursue God with gratitude for all He has done. Corporately, we will worship together in a spirit of unity as one body, with joy and passion – embracing transformation.
3. We will be culturally relevant in sharing the good news of the gospel. We will use creative methods to share God’s message with as many as possible.
4. We will make transformational teaching of God’s word the basis of all we say and do. We will always seek to grow and mature in Christlikeness.
5. We will, above all, promote loving relationships, realizing that love is the primary characteristic of a believer. By God’s grace, we will be driven by love in everything we do.
6. We will help everyone who knows Christ to fulfill their God-given passion through the use of their spiritual gifts and calling.
7. We will always recognize that faith flourishes best in the context of community. This means we will remain vulnerable, transparent and authentic with each other. Small circles of people meeting together will ensure that “nobody stands alone”.
8. We will seek a ministry led by people who are graced with leadership gifts. Humility and servant leadership (as Jesus practiced) will be the only kind of leadership. Various ministries will be done as God raises up people to accomplish them. We honor men and women serving and using all of their God-given gifts.
9. We will encourage everyone to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide us to acts of service based in love. This means we will seek to relieve suffering, fight injustice, reach out to the oppressed and do good in the world, realizing we were made for something larger than ourselves.
10. We will realize that children are a gift from God and that God loves for families to grow spiritually together. This means we will foster anything that helps discover the passions and talents of children as we prepare them to "do life" and to change their world.
11. We will seek wholehearted devotion to Jesus. This means each of us will seek to be sacrificial with our entire lives - physically, spiritually, financially, and relationally as servants of God and each other. Generosity is a normal part of the Christian life as we give back to the One who gave it all to us.